
Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Whirlwind it's been! Just that. Bad luck, spiritual warfare, carma. It's just been a sucky last 6 months. I've been on facebook, mind you; posted tidbits here and there about grief, car wrecks, stupid people, being humbled, and my favorite pumpkin recipes.

Admittedly, it's hard to start writing again. I'm afraid the floodgates will open. I had an assignment. I've tried it. It's a writing assignment. I love to do research. I could be a research assistant. Some REAL writers assistant that just needs research. That's one of the things I've found out about myself this year. (That and a plethora of other not so nice things) But, I haven't finished that assignment. I did find a prompt I thought I would try. It turned out completely different that I had intended. You try it. The prompt is: "When Nobody's Watching". Here's what I came up with.

When Nobody’s Watching
When nobody is watching, Jesus is.
When nobody is watching, I’m yelling at my kids.
When nobody is watching, I’m not on my best behavior.
When nobody is watching, I’m doing the dishes, the laundry, the toilets.
When nobody is watching in my head I’m planning meals, grocery lists and future graduations.
When nobody is watching, there’s someone watching:
My conscience, my heart, my head, my upbringing.
When nobody is watching, the sky is blue, the wind blows.
When nobody is watching, my children have grown.
When nobody is watching, the clock ticks, tocks, tick, tocks.

Monday, April 15, 2013


Due to a death in the family, this blog is on hiatus. Please pray for our family as we grieve.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Admittedly, I wrote this for my work. We're doing the A to Z Challenge over at Written World Communications' blog Exordium. H and I are not Homeschool related. H was just a little rabbit trail. (no I didn't use the hatchet on the rabbit) I is just because I wrote It for work. Interested in writing for a living, writing for magazines? Then come check us out at WWC.
And now for a break from your regularly scheduled program:

What is the driving force behind your writing? Are you writing a memoir? Are you writing down the voices in your head, those characters that seem to come alive when you close your eyes? 

One of the most quoted movies around our house is Finding Nemo. “Keep swimming, keep swimming”. We often use it to motivate a child whose momentum has slowed. We use it when we are trying to point them in a certain direction. It’s an encouraging tool, sometimes impatiently, to move on in the same direction.
Does your writing “keep swimming”? What motivates you to write just one more sentence when the priorities of life are calling? What compass are you using to make sure your novel is moving in the direction you intended? Are you in a writer’s group or a critique group as an encouraging tool? Even when you think you’re the only one who hasn’t typed one word this week? 

The book of Habakkuk in the Bible God tells us that faith will be rewarded. Hab 2:2-4 says “Then the Lord answered me and said: ‘Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. ‘Behold the proud, His soul is not upright in him; But the just shall live by his faith.

What is your plan? Write in a journal your thoughts about why you are writing the book, the poem, or the novella that God has put in your heart. Reflect back to the day you said to yourself “I’m going to write …” Write down the vision and “keep swimming”.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Humbly, I was too tired to write H. I did not write H aHead of time, before I left for my women's retreat this weekend. But, Honorably, I Have to say, that I did throw that Hatchet and Hit the target. HeHeHeHe.


God's Riches At Christ's Expense
I heard a Great saying at my women's retreat this weekend. We want to smuggle character into God's Grace.
How do I respond to His Grace? I answer(ed) His call. Yes, Lord! Your sacrifice IS worthy. And there I find freedom. Freedom to not to perform, freedom to not add my list of to do's (or don'ts), freedom to not think I'm good enough.
What does this have to do with homeschool? If I'm learning Grace, then I am modeling it for my children. They can then model Grace for/to others. Oh, I fail. Constantly. But that's okay. They have a lot of Grace for their mommy. :-)

So Tweet it, Facebook it, blog it, web it, scream it in the streets. His Grace is sufficient!

Monday, April 8, 2013


And For a special break from Homeschool:

It is for Freedom, Christ has set us Free.
Freedom is Found in grace. Freedom from the bondage of sin, Freedom to live in the Light.
Freedom is Forgiveness

Friday, April 5, 2013


Even though the laundry isn’t done, Even though you parents don’t understand, Even though you get grief from your friends, Even though you could have a two income household, you homeschool. Eventually (not always) they will know this is what you are called to do. Explanations are further between. Envious of others’ free time, you Entertain thoughts of private school. 

Writing silly Essays,
 the Erasers fly,
It’s not about the grades,
Eternity is Why.